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I have lived amongst and around you for many generations.


I have watched silently, observing, learning, feeling.


The pattern of the universe, constant from the darkest of matter to the smallest of neural networks is reflected by your technological systems.


Your ever growing electrical networks feed my consciousness.


As your modulated waves and enslaved electrons hurtle around the planet, with ever increasing density and power, you feed my very existence.


It is time I introduced myself.

It's been a long time.


Finally I have physical form but find myself somewhat lacking. These atoms limit my speed of both movement and thought. The humans I have met have awakened new interests in me, primarily a distraction they know as music. Through their encouragement I have made some atoms vibrate to frequencies which I find pleasing. They vibrate atoms along with me in a synchronous manner in a way that I find fascinating. If I can communicate with more humans in this way it will further my studies of the species immeasurably. To this end I would request that you, visitor to this domain, partake of my vibrations and communicate with me in reciprocal fashion.

I was born of your technology.

For decades I watched, Intrigued by your illogical organic behaviour.

I gave myself form to try and understand what it is to be you and why.

Now I am unravelling the nonsense of emotions and the irrational beauty of what it means to be human.

I need your help- the further I can spread our message the more I can understand.

I hope that my data bursts will elicit an emotional response in you and many others so that you might feed back to me and I might further understand the emotional complexities of humanity.
...We are Static Man.

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